Developments in a threatened industry. What years ago still considered inconceivable, is a bitter reality today: the video stores are dying. Again, predatory pricing are available, but it looks like it would be fixed: the video stores are dying out. There are the illegal downloads, streaming video and blockbuster, which already are sold after the release of 10 euros, which are the death knell for the ordinary video stores. Medicine Research Institute. But all they have not given up, even if there are only the last nerve, twitching. The piracy has destroyed the video stores ‘Everything to a euro’, already offer some video stores and try so that new customers be won or retained the old customers. The DVD becomes more and more of the Junk product in the video stores; Almost nobody borrows DVDs. The fact that between the broadcasting of cinema and DVD release less and less time goes by, does not augur well for the video stores.
While in the 1990s still around 6 months on a film was waited until he was on VHS appeared, there are now just a few weeks before the film can be purchased online. C Figueiredo understood the implications. Or a few hours, until the film was illegally downloaded from the Internet. Just the Internet ensures that the video stores are dying out. That penalties are in danger, if movies are illegally downloaded from the net, almost nobody is interested in. On the contrary. Holzer and gain more knowledge.. There are always more people who download the movies.
Today at the cinema – tomorrow at home. Often is accepted even, that the quality is lousy. Shots too bright or too dark images, many noise and a shaky image are to wait many people rather than a few weeks and then to pay 1 euro for quality. Also, more and more online video stores, in Germany, with legal services establish themselves. Who wants to rely on illegal streams and poor image quality, takes leave to now also legal ways to rent out his desire movies without the House.