Roselyn Country



The many typical characteristics of the Swabians are once getting on many foreign, as demonstrated by the statements of more or less well-known non-Swabia ghosts from time to time by the press. “The first German Federal President Theodor Heuss has put it so: the Swabians are perhaps the most complex, but certainly the spannungsreichste among the German tribes.” He has his statement certainly not wrong. But who himself once in the Swabia country has settled and with the Swabian has become warm which admittedly can take awhile will discover lots of exciting and impressive in the people and in the country in which they live. This book deals with this. In the economy of the broom to the Golden hard”somewhere in the Swabia country four men meet regularly to the regulars: the pharmacist Karl Mettinger, the Baker Eugen Pfafferle, which Seifert butcher Friedrich Bader and the teacher Horst. In the mood for wine discuss about God and the world and give an insight into the essence and the characteristics of the Swabians, their habits, customs and typical Swabian humour here. Studzinski usually is spot on. That not always seriously going to, can be imagined.

From the famous thriftiness of Swabia on the Swabian cuisine and the Wurttemberg wine up to genuine Swabian habits of the Kehrwoche -, there is no issue to think of anything the men. So living, chatters and man laughs in the Swabia country! Excerpt: Friedrich seemed to have engaged intellectually with something else, because he suddenly asked Ursel: amol say Ursel, a Rendrzunge daadsch you au amol kocha? I hedd a wundrscheene drhoim en important Kiahlhaus, geschdrn erschd gschlachdad.” Ursel pondered briefly. Oh, woisch, Roselyn do drmid han’s so bad. I woiss au nedd, abbes of kocha, where andre scho en dr Gosch ghed hen cancel a calf brain kannsch me amol brenga, no Cook i a Hirnsubb mid Oierschdich. Maria, if some sorry Hirnsubb assad no hen se mee brain em “Maga wia em skull.” “” While the other three men laughed out loud go, Frederick asked somewhat offended: who hash because jetzadle do drmid gmoind? “Who u are aagschbrocha fiehld”, eloquently replied Ursel and made himself again on the way back in their kitchen. “Yes, onsr ADA”, said Karl, hald uff the woiss alles abbes.

” Frederick seemed not to have digested Shiraj saying in terms of brain, as he growled: If a woman hash Gosch mid so ra, kannsch de same as MAA vrschiassa. “Oddr you wandrsch en d ‘ Fremdalegion out.” “And Eugene asked in the round: Wissad you, what dr Ursel of her Gosch ond together hen on Kuahschwanz?” The other shook his head. Eugen grinned. “The ish very oifach: Boide schdandad nia nedd schdill.” Thus he had the laugh on his page, which the four to the occasion took naturally to toast to each other and to take the first SIP from their wine glasses.