PosBill POS System



At the Gastrokassen of PosBill, there are again many new above all stands the new prototype of a financial accounting interface in the eye. For this purpose some masks had to be changed, but the effort has paid off. brings even more insight to the discussion. Thus, you can save lots of time and cost. A piece of PosBillwieder has evolved with the version 7. According to the motto: Progress is movement have been incorporated many new features that should make it easier the user.

The integration of financial accounting export in your POS software is another milestone of PosBill. With the new interface, you can monthly export data and use for example in financial accounting of fibumanDATEV. Another new feature is, for example, the new parameter: no invoice printing at Sofortrechnung. Is this small checkbox is unchecked, no of invoice is printed if the function Sofortrechnung is used. This saves also enormously much invoice paper.

There are two new buttons in the account menu. The first: open cash drawer is for manual opening Cash drawer thought. So the Treasury must be now not always awkward operated only times new change to be filled up or similar. The second: Print invoice for last operation is a milestone, because it allows to print a bill several times. The layout has been forgotten by PosBillnicht. Here was the parameter, for example: multi user mode introduced. This parameter is valid only in the trade or snack mode. Multi user mode is switched on the parking and parking will be switched off in the front. All registered users are displayed in a bar above the article. Between the operators can be changed with a click. The in-process operation is automatically parked and reactivated at renewed registration. Up to 8 concurrent servers are allowed. The button for the change of the employee is removed from the function menu. Instead, there is the button in the bottom status menu registration. The buttons for additional text and amendment are now released in the commercial version. A new window allows more concessions for the operator. In the window is the invoice amount to the preset given field. If the customer pays for matching the amount must be entered manually.