


The importance of the humanizao in the relation has equipped of health with the patient When working in the area of the health if it deals very with difficult situations as complicated illnesses, many take the death after long a laborious suffering. Although to know that all we will go to die the death it is a not accepted taboo between human beings and even between very religious people. Many times the situation if becomes monotonous for the nurses what it becomes the desgantante profession. But for the patient it is not thus the times loses the patience for a simple case in the direction I medicate but for the patient is only many times painful. Thus when talking with the patient it has that to show to tranquillity and security to give confidence and to know to face its fears. The times the illness of it for you is routine, but for it is difficult is a painful moment only e. For the two it is a profit that does not have price. For the professional, the affection that will be received will make to feel pleasure in the work. For the patients with certainty they would recoup more fast, and soon could come back toward the familiar way and social Thus the ideal for an efficient work would be a delivery where it searchs one better human relationship with the patients