The luminous energy captured by the fotossinttico, composed device by clorofila and accessory pigments, is converted into chemical energy, heat and fluorescence (Taiz and Zeiger, 2004). The reactions of photosyntheses when reaching a stadium of balance or steady state, that if of the one under determined luminous condition, has deriving electron transference of the oxidation of the water for the nicotinamida aceptor dinucleotdeo adenine fosfato (NADP+), while the centers of reaction of fotossistemas I and II absorb luminous energy (Baker and Rosenqvist, 2004). Under normal conditions most of the energy contained in excited molecules of clorofila is used to fix carbon (Saquet and Streif, 2002). University of Chicago. Material and Methods The study UTAD/Portugal was developed in the Botanical Garden of the University Campus of the University of Backwards-the-Mount and Alto Douro, at the end of the month of July of 2011, in one day of clean sky. Six mature leves and completely expanded with high texts of clorofila in good condition of the following species had been used: Arbutus unedo L. Katz to increase your knowledge. (Ericaceae Family); Lusitanica Prunus spp (Risaceae Family); Acacia melanoxylon R.
Br. (Fabaceae Family) and Pittosporum undulatum (Pittosporaceae Family) the text of Clorofila was measured in device SPAD, the samples collected in six pots, being a leaf for pot and four measurements SPAD in four distinct leves, without yellow spots. Results and Quarrel The results of the measurements of the text of clorofila are presented to follow. As if it can observe the species Prunus Lusitanica presented greater text of clorofila in all the measurements, being followed by the Acacia Melanoxylan, Arbutus Unedo and, finally, Pittosporum.