A Book For Lawyers



A book for lawyers lawyers read and learn the lawyer of the MARCELO BIRMAJER MARCIANO: this essay is an interesting book, especially in some sections that every lawyer must take into account. In this essay I would like to take a tour to this book, giving me the freedom to express some impressions which cause me some sections, some thoughts which I would like to mention with regard to the facts that they narrate, and Lastly, and perhaps what you love me, comment on some of the phrases type aphorism that appear between lines. Capital. As you will see the reader, I just want to go so unprepared by the pages of the book, without too much focus on a topic, just as much as fun to exercise my writing and to have fun have also read those and they want to share impressions as would be done in an enjoyable chat mode, the same way can practice the same excercise through different book recommended in uniderecho a page dedicated to deal with legal issues. First of what I want to talk about is the central theme of the book. What the? The lawyer of the Martian theme?. Not yet I determined clearly what has been the main intention of the author: If you make a reflection about the Supreme value which means the human soul as faculty to distinguish the good from the bad and that makes us a few mysterious beings by nature; or whether it is rather a reflection on the struggle that involves the independence and his own conquest in the stage of life in which finally I decided or we have to assume our own existence. Katz not as a source, but as a related topic. I think that in this book the legal question of the lawyer goes into the background, you can take from your words, but is not what most author explodes between its lines. . .